
VisiJet CF-BK Black Rubber-like Material (MJP)

Working with the new ProJet 5600, the Composites family of materials offers customers the choice of multiple materials in a single build as well as blended materials that offer even more variations in a single print. The three material choices offer rubber-like look-and-feel, rigid White ABS-like parts along with clear material to build perfect multi-material parts in a single build.

  • Rubber-like look and feel
  • Extreme flexibility
  • Absorbs shocks and impacts to enhance durability


  • VisiJet CF-BK Black Rubber-like Material (MJP)
  • Az anyaggal kompatibilis nyomtatók

    ProJet MJP 5600
    ProJet MJP 5600

    Nagy nyomtatási méret, több komponensű kompozit 3D-s nyomtatás